Mansfield, Massachusetts, April 27, 2022 - In a recent Boston Globe article, the Massachusetts Climate Action Network unfairly and inaccurately criticized Municipal Light Departments (MLP’s), for the lack of clean power portfolios in their energy supply. We at Energy New England, LLC (ENE) take exception to this criticism. ENE has been working tirelessly to add clean energy supply to member portfolios, having recently added several clean energy power purchase agreements.
We were able to secure up to 146,000 MWh of power per year through our first-in-the-nation partnership with the Vineyard Wind offshore wind project. Last year, ENE negotiated a power purchase agreement with FirstLight Power to secure 200 million kilowatt-hours per year of hydroelectric power from their Cabot/Turners Falls hydroelectric facility that is located in Massachusetts – so it is local hydro power going to our local users. We are constantly in the market on behalf of our members seeking out additional renewable energy transactions so we can guarantee that our members will fulfill their renewable energy goals with reliable and cost-effective renewable energy transactions.
As the Globe article accurately reported, the recent climate bill requires all MLPs to meet the energy supply goals for 2030. “ENE is very supportive of the legislative requirements and has worked closely with all of our members to ensure they meet or exceed this requirement”, said John Tzimorangas, President of ENE.
ENE is the largest wholesale risk management and energy trading organization serving the needs of municipal utilities in New England. ENE works with numerous businesses, residents, and utilities to help promote the principles of conservation, efficiency, and environmental stewardship, and advances the many benefits available through integrated sustainability planning – including home energy audit programs, electric vehicle programs, wholesale energy procurement and risk management programs, regulatory and lobbying services.
Vincent J. Ragucci, III
Chief Strategy Officer Phone: (508) 698-1240