ENE on behalf of its Regulatory & Markets Affairs customers participates in all NEPOOL technical committees and working groups, and the NEPOOL Participants Committee (NPC). In participating in all such committee meetings ENE, on behalf of its customers provides advocacy in development and revision to the governing documents for the New England markets, position, and voting recommendations in all NEPOOL technical committees and at the NEPOOL Participants Committee.
ENE provides weekly customer updates on issues before members at the NEPOOL technical committees and NEPOOL Participants Committee, issues of mutual interest occurring in the region, and on filings and orders of mutual interests before FERC.
Representation with ISO-NE’s Senior management, ISO-NE’s Board of Directors, the New England States through its New England States Committee on Energy (NESCOE), and other regional stakeholder groups such as New England Power Generator Association (NEPGA) and RENEW Northeast.
ENE develops and support recommendation for interventions at FERC. Developing and supporting testimony as needed.
Stakeholder Meeting Coverage
- NEPOOL Participants Committee
- NEPOOL Markets Committee
- NEPOOL Reliability Committee
- NEPOOL Transmission Committee
- NEPOOL Working Groups
- NEPOOL Power Supply Planning Committee
- Industry meeting as needed or as opportunity presents
Forward Capacity Market Analysis
ENE Regulatory & Markets Affairs provides a deep dive on prompt Forward Capacity Auctions (FCA) looking at the qualification process, functional design (curves, capacity zones) and market fundamentals that impact FCA outcomes and ENE customer bills.
ENE provides recommendations and supports for ENE and customers’ interventions filed at FERC and in state dockets. Working with external FERC counsel ENE customers are provided forecast costs for pursuing issues of mutual interest when considering filing comments, protest, rehearing request, or appeals at the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals or other venues.
Market Participation
- Coordinate and lead discussion with ISO-NE staff and associated entities in supporting issue related to participation in the New England Markets
- Support for participation in the Forward Capacity Market (FCM)
- FCM Qualification
- Show of Interest (SOI) development and submittal.
- New Capacity Qualification Package development and submittal
- Development and submittal of Capacity Resource Delist Bids
- Forward Capacity Auction participation
- Interconnection Process
- Direct support for filing and managing ISO-NE interconnection process including related activities for qualification of FCM where appropriate.
Dave Cavanaugh Elected Chair of NEPOOL
Beginning in 2021, Dave Cavanaugh was elected to serve as Chair of the New England Power Pool (NEPOOL) Participants Committee. Since 2019 Mr. Cavanaugh has served as the duly elected Vice Chair of Publicly Owned Entity (POE) sector Vice-Chair. In the POE Vice-chair role David, as an officer of NEPOOL, represents POE sector member positions in the NEPOOL process as well as with ISO New England’s Board of Directors, FERC, and New England states officials.
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